Original Resources INC

Our Program

Our Program

We have actually been able to capitalize on the economic downturn and transform something negative into something amazing for many people. You have all seen the news, foreclosure after foreclosure. Well often times, these foreclosed properties do not sell and become a piece of bank-owned real estate, an REO. Therefore the bank is itching to get rid of these bad assets that are much of the time un-livable and require major maintenance because there has been no tenant for months. However they do not wish do to this one REO at a time. This is tedious and inefficient. We at Original Resources Inc appease the banks by buying up these REOs in bulk. They reward us by giving us a great rate on every single one of these homes. We fix them up to make them livable and sell-able and give them to you the consumer at a great price that can’t be beat. This unique bulk-buying program appeases all three parties: We make a living and stimulating a downtrodden economy, the banks get rid of unwanted assets, and you go from a renter to a homeowner!