• Call Us (408) 858-5748 or
  • Email cherifmedawar@yahoo.com

About Us

Cherif Medawar is an experienced Real Estate Investor and Fund Manager

He has over $100 Million Dollars in real estate assets under management since 2009. He offers Joint Venture Programs for investors of all levels to work directly with he and his syndications.

Last year he became one of the first people to file a Reg. A+ with the SEC and successfully created a fund that can solicit publicly to broadest base of accredited and non-accredited qualified investors ever offered by a private fund.

Most recently he launched a business model to help individuals and families of all walks of life achieve and surpass their investing and lifestyle goals. His Virtual Turnkey Rental Flipping Program focuses on providing investments with consistent, double-digit returns,while taking all the headache out of the purchase and management side. He has created a JV Program for his student-investors to buy and hold, buy and sell, or assign his inventory of Ohio-based turnkeys for big returns. Cherif is helping his clients worldwide expand their earnings and maximize their profits.

Cherif has been consulting and sharing his wealth secrets with real estate investors and professionals and since 1999. He has authored several best-selling real estate books and taught thousands of people his unique systems of investing in commercial and residential property and how to raise capital and syndicate deals.

Today Cherif trains his student-investors to find specific commercial properties to assign them to his fund. He has patented the FACTS System for residential and commercial real estate, and also developed the world’s most comprehensive commercial course, the Commercial Real Estate Round Table. The class is the foundation upon which commercial real estate wealth is created. It is a new training format that is interactive learning at its finest using Cherif’s portfolio as actual case studies. Those who attend become experts in 12 commercial property types.

His training programs, teaching methods, business models and financial products continue to grow. Cherif lives part of the year in California, where he teaches his wealth programs while travels between Puerto Rico where he holds over $50 Million Dollars of historic commercial properties and Cancun where he enjoys life with his wife and two children.

Contact Cherif Now